Compressed Air
Our range of medium and large compressors, coupled with the high pressure units, ensure that we can cater for almost all applications, up to 25 barg.
Our compressors:
- 385 cfm (7 barg) compressors
- 875 cfm (12-14 barg) compressors
- High pressure compressors
- Nitrogen membrane spreads
- Oil free compressors
- Air Driers
All units are suited to a variety of different applications for both construction and oil and gas works.
A range of oil free compressors offering superior performance to protect against impurities come complete with corrosion resistant inter-cooler and after-cooler. With internal fully bunded tanks, they can be used for up to 10 hours and can easily connect to an auxiliary fuel supply where required.
Our air driers are an ideal treatment pack comprising of air blast after-cooler, separator, pre-filter dessicant pressure swing, after filter and pressure maintenance valve. They have a flow of 1,000 SCFM, 11 barg pressure and provide a 90 degree celsius inlet temperature.
Our specialist range of nitrogen membrane units can be provided for almost any complex project proposal.
Air Boosters Joy
JY500 units recompress air from primary compressor spreads or nitrogen from N2 generation units, and can be configured to operate as single or twin stage units. Boosting capabilities of up to 2000psi (137bar).
- Download the unit specification
Oil Free Compressors
100% oil free diesel compressors are ideal for use in critical applications; they are spillage free, environmentally friendly and rig safe.
- Download the unit specification